TituloTitulo V.O.CalificacionAno
Spider-Man Spider-Man 2002
Condenado City by the sea 2003
Spider-Man 2 Spider-Man 2 2004
Tristán e Isolda Tristan + Isolde 2006
Spider-Man 3 Spider-Man 3 2007
Come, reza, ama Eat, pray, love 2010
127 horas 127 hours 2010
Noche loca Date night 2010
El origen del planeta de los simios Rise of the planet of the apes 2011
Oz, un mundo de fantasía Oz, the Great and Powerful 2013
Alien: Covenant Alien: Covenant 2017
The disaster artist The disaster artist 2017
La balada de Buster Scruggs The ballad of Buster Scruggs 2018
Mostrando registros del 1 al 13 de un total de 13 registros