Titulo | Titulo V.O. | Calificacion | Ano |
En busca de Bobby Fischer | Searching for Booby Fischer | 1993 | |
Fantasmas del pasado | Ghosts of Mississippi | 1996 | |
Air Force One | Air Force One | 1997 | |
Hombres misteriosos | Mystery Men | 1999 | |
Magnolia | Magnolia | 1999 | |
State and Main | State and Main | 2000 | |
Parque Jurásico III | Jurassic Park III | 2001 | |
Seabiscuit. Más allá de la leyenda | Seabiscuit | 2003 | |
Cellular | Cellular | 2004 | |
Bobby | Bobby | 2006 | |
Marmaduke | Marmaduke | 2010 | |
El inocente (2011) | The Lincoln lawyer | 2011 | |
Las sesiones | The sessions | 2012 | |
La habitación | Room | 2015 | |
Blood father | Blood father | 2016 | |
El reino del planeta de los simios | Kingdom of the planet of the apes | 2024 |